Hello Emmanuel,
When will I lose my next job?
I've already lost several jobs. Sometimes I quit my job. Sometimes I was pushed out willingly. Other times I was dragged out with trepidation. But make no mistake. I have lost jobs. When will I lose my next job?
In the beginning I was playing the guitar. I don't have that job anymore. Now we have not one, but two capable teams to lead music. And sometimes there is a guitar player who plays just a little bit better than I (just barely... by a smidge.. by... oh, nevermind... I've been put to shame). The music got better. I lost my job.
Remember when I led the Faith-Forming Relationships Team meetings? Some of you don't. Once a month I would go into a room and we would hammer out semi-complicated issues with nursery and the ever-expanding Sunday School program. I would get my whiteboard markers out and delightfully draw diagrams on how we could problem-solve and train teachers and get curriculum and make more space for more kids. I loved that job.
Yeah... uh... I lost that job too. Teachers stepped up. Classes got formed. People took over leading and managing Sunday School. They didn't need me any more. In fact, the FFR Team got so good at it that they split into 3 teams. You would think they would let me do something. They did. They let me lead the Small Group Leaders Team. Long story short: I lost that job too.
When will I lose my next job?
I used to pick out music for every worship service. I lost that job. I didn't used to manage the website, but then I did, and now I don't again. I used to change the church sign. Then I didn't. Now I do again. But I won't in the near future. Sometimes I have lost the same job twice. Under normal circumstances, I'd call that embarrassing.
I've led as many as 9 Small Groups at Emmanuel. NINE!!! I lost every one of those jobs. I could tell you how, but it wouldn't make this article sound so dramatically tragic. When will I lost my next job?
In previous churches I've lost my job as greeter, prayer, song-leader, liturgist, youth leader, Bible study teacher, Sunday School teacher, membership class teacher, mission project leader, finance leader, secretary, bell-ringer, VBS helper, cook and the list goes on.
Some people inevitably ask, sometimes directed at me, 'what does Pastor Joe do?'. My whimsical answer is, 'I lose jobs'. The Methodist Church was started by normal people in the pews. If the United Methodist Church is going to excel in an era that watches the decline of mainline denominational churches, it will be a result of normal people in the pews who take jobs away from the Pastor.
Some don't get this nor agree with it. It is why many churches get stuck at around 200 Jesus-loving people (or sometimes at 50). If we are going to continue to 'make disciples', then I need to continue losing jobs---- to continue finding and equipping people to step up and lead so that I can go to the next job...... so I can find a way to lose that job too.
I've already moved into other new jobs this year. I've stepped in and helped lead Trustee meetings. I will be stepping in to help lead a new ministry with the Care Team and the Hospitality Team. I have played a bigger role with the District in helping lead other clergy. I will be helping the Staff-Parish Relations Team hire new staff after Easter and I am supervising a part-time Pastor, encouraging him to lose his jobs.
Those jobs I just mentioned in the previous paragraph? I want to lose all of them.
Now don't go too far with this. There are jobs I will likely never lose. I will preach (sometimes behind the pulpit). I will offer the sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism. I will teach (sometimes when you are not aware of it). I will give counsel (the scariest is when we are in my office... but I do love those whiteboard markers). And, first and foremost, I will be sure to keep Emmanuel focused on our Vision by meeting with people to equip them to be leaders. Aside from those 5 main roles, I expect to lose my jobs.
Do you look forward to firing me? Is there a job that I do that you would rather do? Or maybe there is a job that you think someone else would be better equipped to do?
Feel free to fire me. Trust me! I have a list of jobs in my head that I can't wait to start so that I can lose. Emmanuel has only begun the journey forward.
God is Good,
Pastor Joe
P.S. We need 4,000 more eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt on March 30th in order to reach our goal of 10,000. Buy and fill plastic Easter eggs with WRAPPED candy and bring them Sunday. (I don't want that job). Easter is coming!
When will I lose my next job?
I've already lost several jobs. Sometimes I quit my job. Sometimes I was pushed out willingly. Other times I was dragged out with trepidation. But make no mistake. I have lost jobs. When will I lose my next job?
In the beginning I was playing the guitar. I don't have that job anymore. Now we have not one, but two capable teams to lead music. And sometimes there is a guitar player who plays just a little bit better than I (just barely... by a smidge.. by... oh, nevermind... I've been put to shame). The music got better. I lost my job.
Remember when I led the Faith-Forming Relationships Team meetings? Some of you don't. Once a month I would go into a room and we would hammer out semi-complicated issues with nursery and the ever-expanding Sunday School program. I would get my whiteboard markers out and delightfully draw diagrams on how we could problem-solve and train teachers and get curriculum and make more space for more kids. I loved that job.
Yeah... uh... I lost that job too. Teachers stepped up. Classes got formed. People took over leading and managing Sunday School. They didn't need me any more. In fact, the FFR Team got so good at it that they split into 3 teams. You would think they would let me do something. They did. They let me lead the Small Group Leaders Team. Long story short: I lost that job too.
When will I lose my next job?
I used to pick out music for every worship service. I lost that job. I didn't used to manage the website, but then I did, and now I don't again. I used to change the church sign. Then I didn't. Now I do again. But I won't in the near future. Sometimes I have lost the same job twice. Under normal circumstances, I'd call that embarrassing.
I've led as many as 9 Small Groups at Emmanuel. NINE!!! I lost every one of those jobs. I could tell you how, but it wouldn't make this article sound so dramatically tragic. When will I lost my next job?
In previous churches I've lost my job as greeter, prayer, song-leader, liturgist, youth leader, Bible study teacher, Sunday School teacher, membership class teacher, mission project leader, finance leader, secretary, bell-ringer, VBS helper, cook and the list goes on.
Some people inevitably ask, sometimes directed at me, 'what does Pastor Joe do?'. My whimsical answer is, 'I lose jobs'. The Methodist Church was started by normal people in the pews. If the United Methodist Church is going to excel in an era that watches the decline of mainline denominational churches, it will be a result of normal people in the pews who take jobs away from the Pastor.
Some don't get this nor agree with it. It is why many churches get stuck at around 200 Jesus-loving people (or sometimes at 50). If we are going to continue to 'make disciples', then I need to continue losing jobs---- to continue finding and equipping people to step up and lead so that I can go to the next job...... so I can find a way to lose that job too.
I've already moved into other new jobs this year. I've stepped in and helped lead Trustee meetings. I will be stepping in to help lead a new ministry with the Care Team and the Hospitality Team. I have played a bigger role with the District in helping lead other clergy. I will be helping the Staff-Parish Relations Team hire new staff after Easter and I am supervising a part-time Pastor, encouraging him to lose his jobs.
Those jobs I just mentioned in the previous paragraph? I want to lose all of them.
Now don't go too far with this. There are jobs I will likely never lose. I will preach (sometimes behind the pulpit). I will offer the sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism. I will teach (sometimes when you are not aware of it). I will give counsel (the scariest is when we are in my office... but I do love those whiteboard markers). And, first and foremost, I will be sure to keep Emmanuel focused on our Vision by meeting with people to equip them to be leaders. Aside from those 5 main roles, I expect to lose my jobs.
Do you look forward to firing me? Is there a job that I do that you would rather do? Or maybe there is a job that you think someone else would be better equipped to do?
Feel free to fire me. Trust me! I have a list of jobs in my head that I can't wait to start so that I can lose. Emmanuel has only begun the journey forward.
God is Good,
Pastor Joe
P.S. We need 4,000 more eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt on March 30th in order to reach our goal of 10,000. Buy and fill plastic Easter eggs with WRAPPED candy and bring them Sunday. (I don't want that job). Easter is coming!