Because I know that all of you can hardly start your week without reading the
MMP, I’m sure you are worried because you haven’t received it yet. So here it is and this is why I’m late
sending it out:
had to go shopping
isn’t my favorite thing to do. Indeed,
it is last on my list… like.. dead last.
As in, it wouldn’t be on my list at all if I could help it. I am put into a high degree of emotional
stress when having to shop (this as opposed to ‘hunting’, which is much different
than ‘shopping’). However, it was on my
list because we had a great turnout at the Back To School Bash. 380 kids received school supplies. Needless to say, we ran out of supplies. So I went shopping in the name of Jesus…. Which
is almost the only way you could get me to go shopping.
I apologize for the lateness of the MMP.
Please understand I would’ve much rather typed this earlier today with
my iced tea sitting next to me. But let
us not forget the joy of reaching out.
380 kids is more than doubled from last year. We learned some more lessons this year (like
don’t put yourself in the position to send your pastor out shopping).
aside, it was a GREAT day!! The people
were very patient and appreciative. The
process of the event went much better than last year. The helpers were fantastic too!!! And to all
of the individuals and ministry teams that helped this happen, kudos to
you. It is good to be the church.
was going to talk about all the good stuff coming this Fall, but I think I’ll
encourage us to sit back and smile for a second. A lot of energy and thought was put into this
event and we should take time to thank God who has put us in a position to be a
presence in the community in real, practical ways.
is Good,