word for the day is ‘blah’. Ever have
those moments when you just feel like you are going through the motions for no
apparent reason other than there is nothing else to do? It sort has that feel of ‘Groundhog Day’, for
you Bill Murray fans. I haven’t figured
it all out yet, but I have those moments and today is one of them.
time I have this feeling, I find myself asking the all-important questions of
my existence (is this a mid-life crisis thing?). Who am I? What is my purpose? What is God’s intentions for my life? These questions always bring me back around
and I, once again, start feeling like I’m doing what I’m supposed to be
doing. I don’t always know why, except
to say that I know what I know and I don’t know what I don’t know. Therefore, could my conclusion be anything
maybe some of you don’t want such a deep philosophical MMP to start your
week. I would like to avoid it
myself. However, my ‘blah’ days give me
little choice. I am driven to find
deeper meanings in life and I hope you are too.
We are not just creatures with instinct only. We have the self-awareness to go beneath the
surface of just surviving and delve into the realm of things like progress and
fulfillment and productivity.
then there is our faith in a high power.
At worst, we think there might be a possibility that we are not alone in
the universe. At best, we believe it
with our whole soul. And believing in
God prompts us to ask those big questions that transcend any blah day and take
us to a divine place that refuses to let us ever think life is just a bunch of
deep. Believe deep. What you might think is a normal, average,
blah day is a day that is full of life and opportunity. God has something for you today. Don’t let your apathy keep you from seeing
is Good,