Hello Church,
Most people know me as someone who doesn't like to be in your face with religion. In an attempt to be transparent, I am not always a fan of religion, per se. I believe that sometimes religion can get in the way of living out the Christian Faith, ironically (a post for another day). However, there comes a time when religion needs to just get a hold of us and shake things up in a more direct way. The is called ....close your ears little ones.....
evangelism (gasp)
Over the years 'evangelism' has taken on negative connotation. We have images of in-your-face Christians who somehow think they know what is best for you when you know they have no idea the kind of life you live. It's a turnoff for sure. It's one reason I didn't want to be a pastor.
However, there are those moments. Sometimes you just have to say the words, 'You need Jesus'. 'You need Jesus' or 'Do you know Jesus?' are a couple of phrases I have said over the years, but not often at all outside of a sermon. Saying it in a sermon is easy for me because I assume that people are there to hear about Him. But in a random conversation? Too evangelical!
However, there have been moments. Usually it comes when I am appalled with an attitude I see in a long-time church-goer. Or I have said it in a half-joking way with someone who seems grumpy about their life (my wife have had numerous times to say it to me, but let's not encourage her).
Have you ever said, 'you need Jesus'? Timing needs to be perfect and it needs to be said to the right person, but more direct methods of evangelism can work (i.e. standing on the corner of the street holding a Bible and shouting at people is not good timing, nor to the right person). It can be done with someone with whom you have a healthy relationship with and who trusts you (i.e. not with someone with whom you are angry). Good evangelism is done out of concern and care, not out of spite or frustration.
We are more used to the subtle approaches to evangelism, letting our church be seen through more casual community events, but not with too much pushiness. This is because we know that a defensive person would never come visit us for worship.
But I invite you to look for that rare opportunity. It might be passed off as a funny comment, but it might also plant a seed for future discussions.
God is Good,
Pastor Joe