Hello Emmanuel,
Each local church seems to have it's own general understanding of servant leadership. I could give you a run-down of the many different approaches, but that would take a long time. To summarize, here are some different attitudes.
- Pay everyone to do everything that is 'important'
- Let the same 10 people do everything, regardless of how much there is to do
- Get the new people involved as quickly as possible even if they don't understand how to do it 'right'
- Tell the Pastor to do it. Afterall, it's what we pay him for.
- Don't do it. Laziness is cool.
There are other approaches or a mixture of the above. I've been thinking more about the issue of servant leadership as we get ready for 2013. The inserts in the bulletin that are reaching out to potential servant leaders and Emmanuel's process of hiring a new part-time pastor has got me thinking more about how we approach servant leadership in the church.
First, I can't overstate the importance of servant leadership at Emmanuel. Every person who does even the smallest task is an intrigal part of Emmanuel's ministry. However, my main concern is to stay focused on what motivates us to serve. The motivation to serve is what tells us the long-term implications of the health of any ministry. Do you serve? Why do you serve?
Here are some biblical reasons to serve:
- God wants me to serve. Service is simply a desire to be obedient.
- God calls me to serve because He wants me to be a part of sharing the Good News
- God wants me to use my gifts in order to grow the Kingdom of God
- I want to thank God for blessing me
- I want to be a part of a church community that transforms people's lives with grace
The above reasons will motivate a person long-term as long as they stay connected to the roots of their faith--- salvation by the grace of God. Emmanuel provides opportunity to stay connected by offering groups that feed the 'tank of faith' so that it stays filled. However, sometimes servants fall away quickly from service. Sometimes it is a result of non-biblical reasons to serve:
- I want to fit in (btw...none of us fit in. We are all sinners who are not worthy to step foot in the church, yet God invites us still)
- I want the pastor to love me. (I already love you. I have to. Jesus says so.)
- I want to make friends. (Doing stuff doesn't make friends. Making friends helps doing stuff a whole lot more fulfilling)
- I want more influence in the church. (You don't get points by doing stuff. And if you think you do, that only irritates the pastor)
AND the NUMBER 1 faulty reason for serving: (drum roll please......)..... I want to go to heaven! (you are already saved by grace).
Each week we are having an insert in the bulletin. You are encouraged to consider where you are called to serve in Emmanuel and let us know. We will be contacting you for 2013. What are you good at? Where is your passion? Dive on in. Give thanks to God and be a part of a church community that wants people to know Jesus.
God is Good,
Pastor Joe
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