I have to settle down and remind myself: A healthy
church is fun.
following paragraph is confession time)
a pastor I can get caught up in the nitty gritty of church life. I can analyze and over-analyze the various
elements of what traditionally defines a healthy, disciple-making church. Average attendance, offering, 1st
time visitors, 6th time visitors, small groups, volunteerism,
invitational ministries, educational programs, baptisms, new members, etc, etc,
etc….. I can agonize over the small
failures of ministry and only be cautiously optimistic over the big
successes. I can spend the majority of
my time figuring out how to make the numbers bigger and too little time
marveling at how God has helped make any numbers at all. I can knit pick the state of the church’s
spirit and fail to celebrate redemption on a daily basis. On the whole, I can forget…..
healthy church is fun…..
following paragraph is a call to rejoice)
Other leaders and laity of the
church can do the same. Let me suggest
that there is nothing wrong with taking time to be glad regarding who God has
made us to be, on both an individual and communal basis. You have an identity as a disciple of Jesus—your
gifts, personality, passions and Call.
We have an identity as Emmanuel UMC—our gifts, personalities, passions
and Calls. We cannot be everything for
everyone, but that’s what makes us special and unique. We offer particular traits as a community of
believers that allow us to do well with who and what we have. We are missional. We are giving. We are authentic. We are the church on the corner. Take time at this moment to give thanks to
God. We are not perfect. We are not the mega-church. We are not the small, dying church. But
can we take a moment to consider that we are generally being who God is calling
us to be, nothing more and nothing less.
Rejoice. And remember….
healthy church is fun…..
We are exiting the high seasons of
the church calendar (Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost) and entering
what is known as ‘Common Time’. However,
we are not common. God has made us
uncommon. There is no church like us,
good, bad or indifferent. Let us
continue to offer our uniqueness in the context of God’s love and grace. Let’s not lose sight of the big picture and
get caught up in what the world says the church should be. Let’s continue to look and listen to God and
be who He wants us to be. If we do so,
we will continue walk the road of disciple-making. We will continue to consistently grow and
give and baptize and welcome and befriend and volunteer and invite and learn.
every so often, remind your pastor to settle down and remember that a healthy church is fun…..
is Good,
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