See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? - Isaiah 43:19
Hello Church,
Quiet time is over. We were still and quiet. Leadership did very little to instigate action. We prayed on Tuesdays. We listened and learned on Sundays. We took in Advent with expectation. Now the waiting is over.
January is a month for building momentum. Epiphany is here and just as Jesus built momentum toward His Church, we will also. The leadership of Emmanuel is going to relive church and is inviting you to relive along with them. So save the date:
Relive Church! A church-wide retreat will be held on Saturday, February 9th at Loveland UMC, 9:00-4:00. Lunch will be provided.
You will be invited and invited again. It is time we re-ignite our hearts and pick up our feet and put on our thinking caps. It is time to let God lead us in a strong direction, instilling within us more passion, better intentions and higher hopes.
You will not want to miss this. We will bring together old principles with new ideas and, with God's Holy Spirit, help us to live into a refreshed church together.
Everything I do in January will be leading up to February 9th. How I talk; how I think; how I make decisions; what I preach on; what I teach about; and how I lead.
Relive church! We hope to see you there.
You can RSVP in several ways:
email me at
call the church at 732-1400 and leave a message
call or text me at 513-463-7378
fill out an rsvp form on Sunday morning and put it in the offering plate
God is Good,
Pastor Joe
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