...who we think we are.... or have been........
It is time for a new thing! Do you perceive it yet?
Hello Church,
I am treating Relive Church 2019 like a new church start. Spiritually, I want us to capture the enthusiasm of serving a gracious God. Physically, I want us to find renewed energy. Emotionally, I want us to rediscover the joy of following Jesus. It's time for a new thing.
Come prepared to throw away assumptions. Don't anticipate what you think you will be doing. Throw away labels for yourself and others. There will be no trustees people, finance people, worship people; no lay leaders or Sunday School teachers or coffee makers or missions team. Ministry teams will not exist at 9:00 on Saturday morning. We come as people who are simply ready and willing to become a new church that wants to make God happy.
Come prepared to witness determination and authenticity; faithfulness and commitment. What we will become, we will become very good at becoming. What we will not be good at becoming will be the result of a stronger focus on what we will become. It is time to narrow in on divine purpose and leave the rest behind. It is time to proclaim God's mission for us loudly and leave no time to proclaim anything else.
We are on the home stretch toward a first step to a new thing. This Saturday is Relive Church 2019 for Emmanuel UMC. Loveland UMC has been so kind to host us. They are being so great!
There are 65 people registered as of this writing! Wow! If you want to be a part of this, feel free to email me (pastorjoe@emmanuel-umc.com) or text/call me (513-463-7378). Lunch is provided. Child care is provided.
The Holy Spirit is provided.
God is Good,
Pastor Joe
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