Hello Church,
Sacramental Theology is a tricky thing. The ins and outs of Communion and Baptism can make one rather confused, especially if there is a diverse range of church experiences.
June 2nd is not to be missed. With 5 Baptisms and Holy Communion on the slate, it makes for a rather short sermon. So if you enjoy the Baptism of young children or old men; like the taste of juice and bread; or don't like listening to me go on and on.... then Sunday, June 2nd is the day for you.
And every time I come upon one of these kinds of days, I am reminded of my unworthiness compared to God's Grace. I THINK I know the rules around these sacraments. I am prepared to debate with the best of them. I am ready to fight tooth and nail, drawing lines in the sand on who can and cannot do what and why and therefore and so on and so forth. I am Methodist. We have rules. Take it or leave it.
And I often end up feeling silly. Issues of intinction, immersion, rebaptism, reaffirmation, transubstantiation and other words that only live in seminaries create looks of confusion among the laity and make preachers sound smart. The problem is Grace isn't confusing. Grace is simple. Grace should stay simple. God doesn't complicate it with fancy words (the Book of Mark had no big words... read it and find out). And so Pastors should not meddle in the attempt to make it fancy. For God gives Grace more lavishly than I would. Just sayin'.
So June 2nd is a day when I get out of God's way. Let the theologians make their comments. In my ever-determined way to err on the side of Grace, I'll force God to be angry with me because I was too gracious rather than not gracious enough. My words will be fewer and the water will fly, maybe to unwanted or unneeded places (ever try to baptize a 6-month old?), but it will fly nonetheless.
Besides, some arguments you know you just won't win.... so why try?
God is Good,
Pastor Joe
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