Hello Church,
Consider that not everyone trusts us.
It would be nice if we didn't have to work at winning trust from others. If the word 'Church' automatically meant the loss of suspicion, anxiety and caution... and the addition of peace, unconditional love and comfort.... our role in the world would be much easier. Unfortunately, the Church hasn't been immune from causing harm, hurt and wounds that embed itself deep in the psyche of the community around us. Sometimes it was by total accident. Other times it way too intentional. The grand history of the Church isn't always so grand.
The truth is that some unchurched folks have good reason to remain unchurched.
So what do we do? We put forth effort to win back their trust. As Emmanuel engages more of the community around us, it should be expected that some will wonder what we are doing. Some will doubt the authenticity of what we do. Others will just downright not trust us.
The onus is not on them to try Church again. The onus is on us to be humble, loving and sacrificial in how we reach out and invite them in again. Sometimes we will also need to be repentant and apologetic.... to be transparent that we do make mistakes, but we don't want to. We want to be the kind of people that is expected from a church.
So whether we are feeding the hungry, encouraging teachers, connecting with students, or traveling halfway across the world to spend time in a jungle, remember that we have something to prove: that God is real and His love isn't too impossible.
Let Christ live in you. And let others see Him.
God is Good,
Pastor Joe
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