Hello Church,
Optimism in January continues at Emmanuel. As I focus on being an optimist, I am rediscovering a refreshing reality as I go about my business....
Optimism brings new ideas and new ideas distract us from being pessimistic....
Example: I was attending a recent meeting with the Resource Team. Historically, this meeting would not necessarily fascinate me. We talked about church finances, building maintenance issues and the like.... important stuff to be sure, but not something that would light my heart on fire and propel me into a week of spiritual fervor.
But this was January and I am an optimist. I went into the meeting with a different mind-set. I decided I was going to be open for unexpected goodness. How? I wasn't sure. But being an optimist doesn't mean you know 'how'. You just look for the 'what'.
As is the case in many meetings, new ideas get thrown about. Much of the time these new ideas are said tongue-in-cheek and never really gain much substance. The reason, I have concluded, is that these new ideas are passed off as something that 'would never work' without actually talking through how they might work. This approach is based on a fear of failure or ridicule by others. But this time my mindset told me to take a new idea and encourage others to talk through it.
.... and then it happened... a new idea was voiced. I almost missed it at first. My realistic-self went onto automatic 'nah that isn't going to work' mode. But I stopped myself; made some positive comments; proposed some outcomes; and the ball got rolling with the team. Before I knew it we were smiling about the prospects about this new idea.... and then we decided to try it!
Optimism brings new ideas and new ideas distract us from being pessimistic....
Hint: Keep your eyes open and look up in February too! It will help the future look brighter.
I wonder if God can work with us easier if we keep our minds open to new ideas. There are no past rules or guidelines or traditions or people who think they know how things have to work. There is also an energy boost in trying something new. And when there are not man-made guidelines and no past event to compare our success or failure to, then.... well... maybe God can work with us easier.
I am excited about February and I don't ever remember saying that! Yea Team!
God is Good,
Pastor Joe
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