Hello Church,
When you miss something bad enough, you'll go to greater lengths to get it.
I grew up in Darke County. There are a few places to eat that everyone who is a true Darke Countian knows of. One of them is the Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe. It is known as one of the best hole-in-the-wall restaurants. It's is nationally known for the bubblegum wall..... the wall by the drive-thru where people over the generations have stuck their chewed bubblegum. However, it is the loose meat sandwiches that are oh so good!!!!
Having lived 2 hours away over that last 11 years, I miss it. There are times I've seriously considered driving the 4 hours just for the food (and I'd throw in Jim's spanish hotdogs too!). The thing is, when I lived only 10 minutes away, I didn't stop by nearly enough. I guess when you know you have it, you don't ever miss it.
This Sunday we will be worshiping outside (unless it is raining). In any other year this idea would have been shot down by nearly everyone in the church. But this isn't any other year. Even if it is 25 degrees, we will be outside in our coats and hats and lawn chairs. Why? Because some people want to sing.... some people REALLY want to sing. Because of our Covid protocols, we haven't had any congregational singing since March.
When you miss something bad enough, you'll go to greater lengths to get it.
Not everyone will miss it bad enough. Some will choose to come to the 9:00 inside service instead. However for others, a big part of the worship experience is singing. It can create a connection from what you feel inside with how you express yourself outside. If you like to sing, I hope you will consider attending. We will be cold on the outside, but warm on the inside.
Whatever you have missed through this Covid disaster, if it is good and right and worthy, I hope you are willing to go to great lengths to get it. And when it comes to God, He hasn't gone anywhere. He still wants to hear from you, whether it be through song, spoken word or silent mediation.
God is Good,
Pastor Joe
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