Hello Church,
I wanted to title this blog 'Let's Get Dirty', but my wife gave me a... uh... look... so I relented. She does a good job keeping me out of trouble. So I'm just telling you what I WANTED to title this blog... because it would have been perfect click bait. C'mon! Admit it! If you see your pastor title his blog THAT, then you are so clicking on it! I know I could have beaten my record of hits.
Sunday, February 21st is the first Sunday of Lent. Traditionally, we are supposed to treat the Wednesday before as Ash Wednesday (because that's what it is). Over the years a few churches I know have foregone the Wednesday tradition and applied ashes on Sunday. It's what we've done at Emmanuel for several years now.
Problem: I can't touch your forehead with my finger. It is now against the rules... unless I thoroughly wash my hands between each forehead (a possible useful application of the baptismal font?.... ok.. not). Therefore, another tradition needs to be tweaked... soo......
....introducing you to your own personal Q-tip. It is an idea I saw to still cling to our tradition of ashes even in the era of Covid. Those of you who would like, can come up front during worship and get ashes applied to the back of your hand with a clean Q-tip.... well... it won't be clean... it will have ashes on it.
The church needs to continue to be adaptable. We don't always like it. We don't usually like it. However, we CAN adapt and must adapt if we are to keep the expression of our Faith relevant in an ever-changing world.
So I hope to see you on Feb. 21st. Lent is on its way whether we are ready or not. Let's be ready.
God is Good,
Pastor Joe
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