Hello Church,
Many of my blogs are of a personal nature. That is, I don't speak a whole lot on my role as pastor as much as just my role as Joe. Truth is, the two often mingle as I move through life. Not a surprise. So this is about how they are mingling now.
I am on a very focused mission right now as pastor: spiritual energy.
I see too many people just not get it. Some think church is about doing good things. Others think church is about receiving good things. Still some think it as a nice time to be with friends and community. And, yes, some believe it all a waste of time and money.
Yet at the heart of a healthy church is a spiritual energy. This energy is derived by a deep-seeded belief system. This belief system says there is an all-powerful God who loves me, even me. This love is made visible by Jesus who lived, taught and showed us what that love looks like.
This love energizes the church. It is the fuel by which good things are given and received. When love is experienced, energy is high. When energy is high, the church is an active witness. But what do you do when the energy gets low?
Low energy is a common issue in the midst of this pandemic. Thus, I am on a mission: to give the church a chance to raise the energy. How do we do this? We experience love.
And what better time to experience love than now? Easter is about here. It isn't just a time to hear again how God chooses to love you through Christ. It is also a time show that love to others.
Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter for 7 weeks... and then Pentecost on May 23rd.... plenty of time to hear some amazing love stories... and to be a part of love stories as we go about being the church.
May you be spiritually energized this new season.
God is Good,
Pastor Joe
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