Monday, September 21, 2015

Holy Urinals, Batman!!

Hello Emmanuel,

So I went to my first comic convention this past weekend.  My 12 year-old has a fascination with super heroes and so I decided to take her to see what the hype was all about.  What I rediscovered was that I have the same fascination too.

I met Adam West at the urinal.  I know.  You didn’t expect to read that as part of the next paragraph.  For those of you too young to know who Adam West is, he was the ‘original’ batman in the 1960’s tv series.  I didn’t say anything to him (nor did I offer to shake his hand).  If I have to explain why, then you are too young to read this paragraph.

Through the next 3 hours or so, I saw and met a lot of people who were very comfortable looking out of place.  Indeed, because I was not in costume, I was the one who looked out of place.  Nevertheless, it was a fine time with Hope.  She got her picture with many characters and a few actors as well.  Adam West and Burt Ward?  Nope… wasn’t going to pay $100 for a picture.  I’ll settle for the awkward bathroom encounter.  It was free.

I saw a lot of people who didn’t care what I thought.  It was refreshing.  If they wanted to dress up like a hero even though they didn’t have the physique to do so, they did so anyway.  Good for them.  Tight clothing (or lack thereof) shouldn’t be worn by some people.  However, I wonder if many of us Christians could take a lesson from such attitudes.  Do you worry about what other people think of you?  Perhaps there are times when it is important (like job interviews), but are there times when you shouldn’t let it bother you?

God has made you unique.  You might not have super powers, but you do have gifts.  There are things that you have and things you can do that make you special.  You may or may not like those gifts, but trying to disguise yourself ends up hiding the person God made you to be.  There were no Clark Kents or Bruce Waynes at the convention… but a lot of supermans and batmans. 

If you are one that struggles with your uniqueness, I invite you to try going to a comic convention.  And if that doesn’t do anything for you, try going to a church.  Unique people are everywhere and often encourage the use of unique gifts.

God is Good,

Pastor Joe

Monday, September 14, 2015

Miss Me?

Hello Emmanuel,

Did you miss me?  I know 3 of you did.  For those of you who didn’t notice, I did not type an MMP last Monday.  It was Labor Day.  I was resting.

Aside from the fact that at least 3 people read this, I truly like typing the MMP.  I would probably do it even if no one read it.  It’s a form of journaling that I used to do way back in my college days… back when we used paper and pencils.

But I was resting.  It felt appropriate the day after I preached about Holy Rest.  It was a good day..

So perhaps you missed me and perhaps you didn’t.  I’m okay with it either way.  My ego isn’t so big that I would be appalled that you wouldn’t miss me (though my wife and my counselor is convinced I have narcissistic tendencies.  I’m not sure whose opinion bothers me more).  And my ego isn’t so small that I would be shocked if you missed me.  The fine line between humility and self-confidence is one I walk most days.  If clergy were honest, they would all say the same thing.  If they don’t, then I’d watch out for them.

So if you missed me, then I appreciate that.  Feeling missed is a good feeling.  It means I have a significant place somewhere in the expectations of your day.  Consider who else you might miss.  Certainly there are those we miss that have passed on from this life.  But are there others who you miss who have not?  Have you told them that you miss them?  Why not?

Letting know someone is missed is a form of love.  It lets them know that they are accepted and even expected to be a part of your life.  And since we are made to be in community and not isolated, feeling missed gives us a sense that we are doing what we are made to do. 

Sometimes church doesn’t do a good job of this.  It isn’t always someone’s fault, especially when church grows and multiplies.  There are various reasons why someone would not be missed on any given week.  However, I invite you to be observant of your surroundings, whether it be in worship, small groups, outreach events, etc.  Do you miss anyone?  Will you let them know?

Another aspect of missing people is knowing people.  While not every one of us seeks out numerous relationships to establish and nurture, the more people you know, the more likely it will be that you miss others…. And others will miss you.  While the church can do it’s best to connect with you, nothing can beat you making the effort to connect with others.

And when we love one another we will miss one another when there is an absence. 

Does God miss you?

God is Good,

Pastor Joe