Monday, April 26, 2021

The Sermon I Hear Every Week

 Hello Church,

First World problem:  the battery for my keyless remote for my car was running low!  That's it!  Monday is ruined which means the rest of the week is lost forever.  Time to start over.  Ugh!

When things don't work right I can get highly impatient.  It's a flaw deeply ingrained in me that is permanently attached to my DNA strands.  I have never been able to get rid of it.  I know when it is happening.  The best I can do is stop and concentrate on breathing.

After the fact, once my blood pressure comes down, I can and do reflect on the ridiculousness of my reaction.  By the end of the day I am still able to get done what I set out to do... usually.  And if not, the universe doesn't suddenly implode.  I wake up the next day and carry on.

My only solution is to constantly be reminded of appropriate perspective on life.  As much as watch the World News is depressing or reading up on current events is filled with life-altering events, it does remind me of how good I have it.  It also reminds me the unimportance of most of my problems.

And then there is Scripture.  A whole set of books focusing on the state of the soul and the vitality of the spirit and the presence of the Holy.  Every week I get to preach to myself and get reminded that I should be embarrassed when the insignificant matters of my day push me off kilter.

So be encouraged.  What you think is a bad day might not be bad at all.... just inconvenient.  And if it is a bad day, it isn't anything God hasn't dealt with before.  You'll be okay.  I know I am.  The sermon I hear every week says so.

God is Good,

Pastor Joe

Monday, April 19, 2021

If You Don't Say It, Who Will?

 Hello Church,

I preached a bit about the mass shooting yesterday and I still have more thoughts on it as I relate them to the role of the Church.  So bear with me if I allow my sermon to overflow into this week's blog.

A several months ago I went through a short phase of being frustrated with Facebook.  I know, I know... a losing battle.  I won't go into the details here as I really don't want to repeat the same conversations and thus experience the same frustrations.

But out of that phase I re-experienced the loving grace of God again.  I was reminded that we are not capable of showing the same grace with the same consistency and measure.  While we can be frustrated with our shortcomings, we can also allow our frustrations to remind us that God has no shortcomings.  It can point us back to God and give Him all of our praise.  So I did.

These mass shootings are certainly more tragic and despairing than any ugliness you see on social media.  However, this is also the Easter season.  The Church has something to say in the midst of tragedy and tears and heartache.  The disciples experienced the same 2,000 years ago and then they experienced the Easter season.  Out of it came joy and hope and love and forgiveness.

Jesus rose from the dead.  That proves God's love for you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.

The Church has something good to say.  No matter how ugly it gets around us, we should say it.  If we don't, who will?  

God is Good,

Pastor Joe

Sunday, April 11, 2021

We Are Moving... In Lots of Directions....

 Hello Church,

The whirlwind begins!  If you missed the worship service, then the following may surprise you.  If you are part of Emmanuel, please read your email.  Or if you are on Facebook, take a look at Emmanuel's Facebook page here...

We are moving in June to Springboro as I have been appointed to Springboro First United Methodist Church starting the weekend of June 27th.  We are visiting Hope's college campus today in Newark as she will be moving to OSU about 6 weeks after moving to Springboro.  As a result, Kim and I become empty nesters in August.  So there is tons of work to get done:  packing 12 years worth of stuff; figuring out what to get rid of; cleaning my office; meeting with the pastor of my next church at Springboro First UMC; eventually meeting with the next pastor of Emmanuel..... oh yes...

.... and still help Emmanuel be the church...

What do you do when you are overwhelmed with the changes of life?

While the new appointment is forefront in my mind, my work is not done at Emmanuel.  We have lots to get done.  The season of invitation is well underway and I want Emmanuel to be as ready as possible to move forward as we exit the pandemic and the new pastor arrives.  Flower sales, Mother's Day, Graduate Recognition Day, Pentecost and Memorial Day weekend... and that is just May!

While my wife is a bit more than stressed, I try to take a deep breath and prioritize my tasks and my time.  What is the most important?  What is the most pressing?  I make my list and take one thing at a time.  For me, there are 2 important and pressing items:  making sure my family is taken care of and then keep empowering the church to be the church no matter where or when I am.

When you are overwhelmed with the changes of life, stay focused on your purpose in life.  First, figure out your purpose.  Then live into it with confidence and determination.  Finally, don't be afraid to let go of the less important and less pressing matters.

If you do so, fulfillment will quickly follow.  Satisfaction and joy are also typically present.  I hope you are living into what is most important and pressing.  You won't be disappointed.  I find that blessings abound most when we stay focused on what is really important.

God is Good,

Pastor Joe

Monday, April 5, 2021

What Childhood Memory Is Imprinted On You?

 Hello Church,

I spent the majority of my childhood in one of four places:  school, library, church and the baseball diamond.  As I have reflected over the years, I have become more and more aware of how each place imprinted certain perspectives and values onto me.  Pastors, librarians, coaches and teachers have all had a part of making me who I am.  I appreciate more and more the people who had positive influences on my life.

So when you learn how much I love the game of baseball, it isn't any sort of shallow reason.  It was one of my sanctuaries where I experienced being valued and appreciated.  It taught me how to critically think; carefully strategize; be a good team player; cope with adversity....oh.. and how to spit correctly (everyone spits on a baseball diamond).  Baseball taught me how to find those details that everyone else misses.  For example, a casual observer won't notice the centerfielder moving over a couple of steps or the umpire taking his mask off with the wrong hand or know when a batter is about to get hit with the pitch before he actually does.  Much of the world says soccer is the most beautiful game.  I say they are out of their ever-living minds.

What memories do you have that still have an imprint on you?  Who helped make you who you are?  Who had positive influences on you?

I could type at length over those 4 great places.  Given that I am going to go to the Reds game on Wednesday and that fans are now back in stadiums, I'd rather just meditate on baseball for now.  I told my wife I'll probably cry when I sit down in my seat.  She chuckled.  I wasn't joking.

God is Good,

Pastor Joe