Monday, December 21, 2020


 Hello Church,

Is it weird to be excited about a solemn moment?  I haven't worked through what is going on in my head yet, but I am strangely excited about the Blue Christmas service that is tonight (Monday) at 7:00.  We will also have it online via this Zoom link:

I guess it might be that I've watched so many people struggle through this year.  I have watched people lose loved one; lose their job sometimes more than once; get sick and sometimes badly; be isolated for extended periods of time which caused mental stress and loneliness; and I even had a friend lose a kidney this year.  

And yet we get this moment to close out 2020 to remember that God is with us.  In 2020, 'God with us' carries more weight.  It isn't a comment made in passing or part of a liturgy that we mumble through.  For 2020, 'God with us' means something substantial.  Add 'God with us' to a Christmas season and you have an occasion for that solemn, quite moment when we silently give thanks for the hope God sends us through a baby.  Our tears might pour out, but our heart can be at peace.

Is this weird that I am excited about this?  I don't know, but maybe that is part of the mystery of Christmas.  Come and be at peace with us tonight, even if you are sad about what this year brought to you.  

God is good,
Pastor Joe

P.S. There is also 2 Christmas Eve services, 7:00 (zoom link:  and 10:00 (zoom link:  You can sign up to come in-person at this link

Monday, December 14, 2020

Charles Darwin Joined The Church

 Hello Church,

We, the Church, need to continue the message that God does not become irrelevant just because our circumstances change.

As such, one thing is clear as we head into 2021.  The church needs to innovate new ways to connect people.

The virus won't be over anytime soon.  Even with a vaccine being shipped today, it will be many months before we see the end of it.  Our safety measures will continue in place, but this only emphasizes the obvious.  We need to find new ways to connect people.

2020 has emphasized the option of online worship.  It was here before, but necessity has brought it to the forefront.  Not only cutting-edge churches, but now middle-of-the-road churches (like Emmanuel) are wondering about the long-term impact of having or not having online worship.  The life-breath of ministry may hinge on online options.

For example, at Emmanuel, some small groups have evolved into Zoom groups.  Those that haven't evolved have not met at all or very rarely.  Maybe they will start back when in-person meeting becomes safer, but people who become disconnected (especially the newer people), in my experience, have a more difficult time getting connected a second time.

So what do we do?

It seems that new ministry ideas need to be presented with the present context in mind.  Zoom, Skype, Youtube, Facebook Live and other online options are no longer a temporary fix.  They are becoming a standard which will be included in most, if not all, new ministry ideas.  Even when the virus is dead and gone, we have learned that advantages and convenience of online options are too good to let go. 

We, the Church, need to continue the message that God does not become irrelevant just because our circumstances change.  This means evolving with our contexts while maintaining the same message.  If we don't, congregations will start dying at an accelerated rate.  This includes Emmanuel.

I intend to encourage you to think differently.  Be ready to learn.  Be ready to innovate.  Be ready to connect in new ways.  I'm going to start by encouraging myself to learn, innovate and think differently.  A challenging year awaits, for sure.

God is Good,

Pastor Joe

Monday, December 7, 2020

Bubble Gum Walls and La La La

 Hello Church,

When you miss something bad enough, you'll go to greater lengths to get it.

I grew up in Darke County.  There are a few places to eat that everyone who is a true Darke Countian knows of.  One of them is the Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe.  It is known as one of the best hole-in-the-wall restaurants.  It's is nationally known for the bubblegum wall..... the wall by the drive-thru where people over the generations have stuck their chewed bubblegum.  However, it is the loose meat sandwiches that are oh so good!!!!

Having lived 2 hours away over that last 11 years, I miss it.  There are times I've seriously considered driving the 4 hours just for the food (and I'd throw in Jim's spanish hotdogs too!).  The thing is, when I lived only 10 minutes away, I didn't stop by nearly enough.  I guess when you know you have it, you don't ever miss it.

This Sunday we will be worshiping outside (unless it is raining).  In any other year this idea would have been shot down by nearly everyone in the church.  But this isn't any other year.  Even if it is 25 degrees, we will be outside in our coats and hats and lawn chairs.  Why?  Because some people want to sing.... some people REALLY want to sing.  Because of our Covid protocols, we haven't had any congregational singing since March.

When you miss something bad enough, you'll go to greater lengths to get it.

Not everyone will miss it bad enough.  Some will choose to come to the 9:00 inside service instead.  However for others, a big part of the worship experience is singing.  It can create a connection from what you feel inside with how you express yourself outside.  If you like to sing, I hope you will consider attending.  We will be cold on the outside, but warm on the inside.  

Whatever you have missed through this Covid disaster, if it is good and right and worthy, I hope you are willing to go to great lengths to get it.  And when it comes to God, He hasn't gone anywhere.  He still wants to hear from you, whether it be through song, spoken word or silent mediation.

God is Good,

Pastor Joe