Monday, December 22, 2014

Blessed, Not Stressed

Hello Emmanuel,

Don’t be stressed.  Be blessed.

‘Tis the season for last second Christmas preparations.  It can be stressful.  I know.  Our home is feeling it right this moment.  But….

Don’t be stressed.  Be blessed.

Be honest with yourself.  You didn’t create Christmas.  You don’t help Christmas go.  Indeed—and not to sound mean or anything—but without you, Christmas would still happen.   Jesus is still going to be born.  So…

Don’t be stressed.  Be blessed.

Consider just for the moment that you are the receiver of Christmas, not the giver.  Consider that God is the one who is stressed.  After all, wouldn’t an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God be stressed to fit into a flesh-and-blood human, finite body?  God is the giver.  You are the receiver…. So

Don’t be stressed.  Be blessed.

Yes, I know, you have to buy presents and wrap them and possibly fix food and get to certain places at certain times and get the house clean and……  but Christmas happened in a dirty barn.  The gifts form the wise men wouldn’t arrive for at least another 2 years.  Maybe we really need to re-think how we go about this time of year.

Don’t be stressed.  Be blessed.

Christmas Eve services will be at 7:00 (kid-friendly) and 10:00 (traditional).  Let’s be blessed together.

God is Good,

Pastor Joe

Monday, December 15, 2014

New Beginnings

Hello Emmanuel,

‘Tis the season for new beginnings…

First, the obvious:  Jesus’ birth is a new beginning.  It is the beginning of a different way to approach God.  Or, from a different perspective, it is a different way for God to approach you.  It would no longer include a bloody bull on an altar somewhere.  Now there would be a way for you to commune with your God with less fear and with more grace.

Second, the not-so-obvious:  many people will be attending Christmas Eve services.  Some of these people will be those who you could see on any given week, actively involved in the ministries of Emmanuel.  A few will be those who are active in other churches, but are attending with family for that particular night.  And then there will be the occasional visitor who is looking for a spark—someone who is looking for a new beginning for themselves.  Maybe they have become bored with life.  Or maybe they have had a rough year.  Or maybe they are looking for deeper meaning or more fulfillment or… well… there are lots of reasons to want a new beginning.

Christmas Eve is a perfect time for Emmanuel to provide that spark.  It is no accident that, statistically, churches typically get more visitors in January than any other month of the year.  Often times, it is a result of those people who went to a Christmas Eve service, a spark was created and more interest created to come back to a Sunday service.  Let’s allow God to create that spark.

December 21st at 7:00 will be our Blue Christmas service.  It is designed for those who may have had a very difficult year; for those who feel sad this season; or for those who don’t want to be merry right now.  Some of them may be looking for a spark.

December 24th at 7:00 will be our Kid-Friendly Christmas service.  It is designed to engage the kids as the Christmas story is told again.  I never really know how it might go.  Kids are unpredictable.  On the other hand, sometimes it is the innocent child that participates in the Christmas story that creates more sparks than anyone.

December 25th at 10:00 will be our traditional Christmas service.  It is the service that many of you grew up with, that will include the nostalgia and memories of family with an atmosphere of peace and hope.   

On an additional note, Emmanuel has the opportunity to send James Pollitt, one of Emmanuel’s members, to Columbia as part of our District’s Mission Team’s trip in February.  We will share the tragedy that has happened to one particular village and then the new beginning that is being sent to that particular village.  The special offerings for Christmas Eve will be used to continue that hope. 

Let’s move through the season with the intent to create sparks.  It is a special time for God to work in people.  Let Him use us.  Let Him use you.

God is Good,

Pastor Joe

Monday, December 8, 2014

Getting Re-Called

Hello Emmanuel,

My car has been recalled…. 3 times.  And GM wants to make sure I get it fixed.  The car seems to run okay from my perspective.  However, I get something in the mail every couple of weeks about getting the HHR in to the dealership.  The ignition is evidently bad and the power steering needs to be fixed too.  I’m going to get it done.  I’m impressed how GM has been so persistent, though.  They must truly care about my safety…. or something.

It’s going to be a major inconvenience.  Kim will need to take the Honda to work which will leave me at home with no car.  It will take about 5 hours to get everything fixed.  But when it is done, the car will have a new ignition and better power steering.  And GM will stop bugging me.

‘Tis the season to be re-Called.  Has God been bugging you?  Most likely, there is something broke.  Everything might seem to be working okay from your perspective.  However, God has a way of wanting life to be better than just okay.   It may be inconvenient to get worked on.  It may be taking time out to do things you don’t want to do.

But if you listen to the re-Call, you might find out that life has something better to offer.  Take the time this season to do some special listening and some special doing.  Life might get something new.  And God may stop bugging you.

God is Good,

Pastor Joe