Monday, November 10, 2014

Peer Learning

Hello Emmanuel,

How willing are you to learn?

I’m in 3 cluster groups—a small group of pastors that spend time sharing with each other the trials, tribulations and celebrations of this job we call Ordained Ministry.  The 3 groups are very different from one another.  One group is getting coached by a pastor from the Baltimore, Maryland area.  We meet every month and go through a set list of questions designed to guide us to be better pastors for our respective churches.  Another group is a group that I lead--a group of area pastors that get together to discuss Ministry Plans (yes, I share the circle chart with EVERYONE).  And a third group is a District-wide group of cluster leaders that discuss leadership development issues among clergy.

How willing are you to learn?

Being a part of a peer group is not easy for me.  For it to be worth my time, I need to talk about what I’m not good at and listen to how I can get better.  I need to admit out loud that I have areas of my job that are flawed.  I have to consider that someone else in the group might know more than I do and listen to what they have to say without getting defensive. 

The truth is that pastors have egos.  They spend 98% of their time being in charge of a congregation’s spiritual journey.  They become well-rounded, too, by delving into money issues, property issues, worship issues, multi-media issues and educational issues and so on.  They get used to being the decision-maker or teacher on most occasions.

……thus the difficulty of sitting in a circle of peers and learning.  How willing are you to learn?

In the end, I always like peer group learning (though 3 groups might be a bit much).  I like it because I know that being humble is paramount to being a good leader (Jesus said so).  I like it because it is the moments when I am reminded that I am not on an island alone in my struggles.  I like it because I get new ideas or get helped reforming old ideas.  I like it because I also get to make friends and be in community beyond the scope of the local church. 

How willing are you to learn?  Peer learning isn’t just for pastors.  Emmanuel has many areas of ministry designed to be places of learning (worship, Sunday school, bible study, small groups, etc).  Or maybe your peer learning happens at your job too.  In whatever context it may be, I encourage you to be willing to learn from those around you.

And if you aren’t willing to learn, then consider that the church may not be for you.  Jesus didn’t come to save the righteous.  He came to save the lost.

God is Good,

Pastor Joe

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