Monday, August 12, 2013

I'm Baaaaaack...

Hello Emmanuel,

I’m baaaaaack…   I have returned from my 6 week sabbatical and it was wonderful.  I have rested, reconnected with my Call and learned much.  Before I delve into the juicy details, I want to thank everyone who has supported (and encouraged) me through this process.  I’m glad I did it. 

During my time I visited 6 churches that were very different from one another.  I saw some great, good, bad and ugly.  I visited a church that averages 100 per week and a church that averages 10,000 per week.  I listened to sermons and I listened to really good sermons.  I was warmly welcomed in some places and some places not so much.  I heard about mission work that went beyond what I thought was possible.  I saw excellent strategies for making the Christian Faith relevant.  I also saw how churches can unintentionally (or intentionally?) exclude people from life-transforming experiences.  I realized how blessed I am to be in a church that has a clear Vision and purpose.  I also have learned how we may be able to get even more effective in ‘making disciples of Christ’ as we move forward.

I also learned how to check the time during a sermon to see if it was time to leave yet (without my wife noticing).  I was able to sing to good music without thinking ahead to what I had to do next.  I learned that there are 1,689 ways to organize a church, more than one of them effective.  I learned that warehouses are popular places for new churches.  I learned that suit and ties are still in style and I could still wear shorts and get away with it.  I re-learned that effective ministry is 80% good communication (and it may be higher).

One constant lesson that was affirmed within me—and the one that I am most glad about:  church is about relationships with God and each other.  That is the one reality I will not let go of.

My journeys took me across the country…. Literally… as I visited Delaware and California and Georgia.  I could say that it was all for study, but I can’t lie (I’m a pastor after all).  I got to see the Reds lose 5 games in a row on the West Coast and only got mildly sunburnt on the beach in Delaware (that’s a win for me). 

I look forward to sharing my learnings with anyone willing to listen--- and some who may not be willing.  Most of all, I look forward to re-connecting with Emmanuel quickly and listening to all that went on while I was gone.

While sabbaticals can be tough on the short-term, the long-term benefits can greatly outweigh any bumps.  I intend to make this be so. 

Now I’m on to sorting through the 350 emails.  I have work to do.

I’m ready to roll.

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