Monday, January 18, 2016

2015 Review

Hello Emmanuel,

2015 was a very good year in many ways for the church.  Giving was at an all-time high both in the general operating budget and in the renewed building fund program.  Emmanuel exceeded the goals in both areas, a reflection of the faithful giving that Emmanuel has shown throughout the years.

In 2015 we saw an addition 15 new members and 5 baptisms.  Also, for the 1st time in at last 7 years, a membership audit was conducted in which 22 members were removed from the roles for various reasons, 5 of whom passed on to the Lord.  Our current membership stands at 164.

The Circle Chart continues to go around and around as each area of ministry has been able to look back and see various degrees of the development of disciples.

Passionate Worship – While 1st time visitor numbers stayed consistent (1.4 first-time visiting households per Sunday), worship attendance plateaued for the 2nd time in the 14 years of Emmanuel (the other time was in 2011).  However, there were many highlights including the Easter cantata; receiving of confirmands; Blessing of the hands for teachers and caregivers; St. Johns Day for the Masons; Promotion Sunday for the Sunday School kids; and several others.

Faith-Forming Relationships – 2 new Small Groups were added to our existing 23 groups.  A new short-term class was offered (Grow), which was developed to be a follow-up class to Roots.  Sunday School experienced a lot of changes among the teachers and we had to re-arrange how to utilize the ever-growing need for more classrooms (we added a Jr. High class).  Thanks to the help of the adult Sunday school class, we are able to make it work (until we need to add another class… ugh!).

Risk-Taking Mission and Outreach – as usual, too much to mention here.  The highlight, however, was when Emmanuel helped 99 kids for Christmas through the Angel Tree program.  This was about 20% of all the kids that the Salvation Army program reached out to in Clermont County!  The Traveling Food Pantry; cooking classes sponsored by UC Clermont; Jackson Area Seed ministry; Matthew25 medicine bottles, Saul’s shoeboxes, etc; continue on as usual.

The new events were exciting to watch develop as well.  James Pollitt traveled to Columbia to help a missions team continue to rebuild a church in a very oppressed village.  He and Paula McCollum are traveling there again in February to continue the work.  Also, Emmanuel implanted their 1st annual National Night Out event at the Batavia Township Park to recognize the men and women who serve as law enforcement or first-responders of the community.  Finally, a dinner was served in November to raise funds for Inter Parish Ministry.  All three of these new events are expected to be implemented again in 2016.

The United Methodist Women’s group continued to play a very significant role.  Events such as the Easter Egg Hunt, Yard Sale, Boo Bash, Grill Outs, Car Show, Breakfast with Santa, etc; bring lots of awareness to the community that there is a church on the corner that wants to connect with them and invites them to be a part of who we are as Christ’s servants.

Radical Hospitality – The landscaping work continues as we watch the corner change in appearance with all the construction taking place.  The consistency of providing coffee (and even food at times), greeters and ushers on Sunday mornings has helped visitors feel welcomed.  This team has been a support for other ministries that need help in the area of serving food.  Hospitality has also help run the church’s birthday celebration.

Compassionate Care – Many hospital and nursing home visits continue to take place.  With there being several deaths in 2015, the team was busy with funeral dinners as well.  Also, Emmanuel was able to see to unique needs of individuals in the church who found themselves unable to care for themselves.  It’s wonderful to see this team show love in so many creative ways. 

The support teams of Staff-Parish Relations, Trustees and Finance worked hard to make sure resources were available to the above teams to get much needed ministry accomplished.  The Finance team is installing a complete overhaul to their record-keeping system.  Some other things to look for in 2016 is a focus on Emmanuel’s facility.  The building is showing some wear and there are resources allocated to see to those needs.  So be on the look-out for new paint jobs and some re-decorating.  There will also be changes on the corner as Old 74 is to be widened.  The short-term inconvenience will be far outweighed by the additional parking the veterinarian will be allowing us to use on Sunday mornings once all the dust is settled.

Some changes in leadership have also taken place for 2016.  Tiffany McGuire will lead the Compassionate Care Team.  Joan Sexton is now the chair for Trustees.  Russ Bowman will be leading the Outreach Team.  Also, Ivy Hill has stepped back for the treasurer’s spot after 7 years of service.  A new treasurer will be announced in the coming weeks.

The challenge for 2016 will be to focus on the worship experience.  While growth has continued in all other areas, worship is truly at the center of all that we do.  Leadership will be looking at how to make worship as relevant, authentic and excellent as possible so that others will most easily be able to connect with God.

If you have any questions you can call the church at  732-1400 or email Pastor Joe at

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