Monday, May 2, 2016

6 x 6 x 100

Hello Emmanuel,

The word for the day is ‘empower’.

I used to think that one of my many tasks as a pastor was to empower people.  It was enjoyable for me to help someone help themselves.  And then I found something even better.  I discovered the enjoyment of empowering people to empower people.  When I was able to help people help other people to help themselves, I found I could multiply the ministry of the Good News.  Wow!

And now I’ve been trying to add another layer:  empower people to empower people to empower people.  It really isn’t as complicated as it sounds.  I just help people to help people so they can help other people help themselves.  The effects of such a task can be incredibly rewarding.  For example….

If I invite you to buy a pencil and bring it to church on Sunday and then we take that pencil and give it to a teacher.  And then that teacher gives it to a student.  Then that student can help themselves by doing their school work and learn how to learn. 

And what if it wasn’t just 1 pencil, but a pack of 6 pencils?  And not just 1 pack, but 6 packs (of pencils, that is).  And what if we don’t just give 6 packs to 1 teacher, but 6 packs (of pencils, that is) to 6 teachers, who can then help 36 students each to help themselves.  That’s 36 x 6…. Ummm….  216 Students????

And what if it wasn’t just you, but 100 people who did this…. And helped not 6 teachers, 60 teachers?  Let’s see…. 100 people x 6 packs (of pencils, that is) = 600 packs or 3,600 pencils. 

I wonder how many pencils are used in a typical elementary class.  How many classes does 3,600 pencils help?  How many teachers does that empower? 

True, it’s just a pencil, but ask a teacher how important a pencil is.  They’ll tell you.

I invite you to bring a pencil to church.  I want to empower you to empower others to empower others to help themselves. 

God is Good,

Pastor Joe

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