Monday, January 14, 2019

What The Pastor Is Excited About....

See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? 
- Isaiah 43:19

Hello Church,

As I and the church leadership prepare for the Relive Church Retreat on February 9th, I wanted to jot down some thoughts that I am especially excited about:

New Ideas - these aren't always easy to come by.  However, I am glad to have a good mix of people who come with various perspectives on what it means to be a church.  There are different ages, philosophies, traditions (or lack thereof) and theologies that can create a pool of new thoughts.

Pulling Together - I love watching people work well together.  When we get on the same page, I truly believe good stuff can be created.  Excitement ramps up exponentially as people connect with each other under a common cause.  

Work of the Holy Spirit - 'and where 2 or 3 are gathered, so I am there with them'.  God doesn't forsake us.  Indeed, God empowers us especially when we work together.  God makes a habit of surprising me.  I can I not be excited at that!

Positive Change - while the retreat is just a first step, it is a first step toward making Emmanuel a better, more effective, more viable and vital church.  No one likes to be stuck in the quagmire of same-thing-different-day living.  I look forward to being better... personally and corporately.  

A Strong Direction - Over the past few years I have felt a lack of direction, as a Pastor and as a church.  The circle chart has run its course and now it is time for something new.  Most anyone appreciates having a renewed purpose to work into.  I am excited to find out what that might be.

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