Monday, September 24, 2012

Fear And Trepidation

Hello Emmanuel,

The Church was around 2,000 years before I got here. It will probably be around 2,000 years after I'm gone.

It is something I heard a long time ago. I don't remember where or from whom. It is a saying that I repeat to myself whenever I'm about to go on vacation. The pastor in me experiences fear and trepidation when vacations come along. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE vacation. However, I guess I admit to you that there is a little bit of 'Mother Bear' in me when it comes to the church running smoothly without my input. It's a little bit embarrassing (but not so embarrassing that I don't put it in a newsletter and send it out to 250 emails).

Of all my years of church experience, Emmanuel is best equipped with leaders who can keep the church from disintegrating while I'm gone. I should not worry so much. It's only 2 weeks.... 14 days... 336 hours.... 20,160 minutes..... DO YOU KNOW WHAT ALL COULD HAPPEN IN THAT TIME SPAN!!!! Sunday School teachers could quit; the computer could crash; the mail could be forgotten; the copier could explode; someone might go to the hospital; the church sign might get a mis-spelling; and--- Lord forbid -- someone else might give a really good sermon.

Vacation, for me, is not just a time to get away from church people (even though I love you bunches). It is a time for me to put me in my rightful place. I'm called to be an effective pastor. It isn't more or less than that. Some things I'll do well. Other things I won't. Either way, it isn't the end of the world.

The Church was around 2,000 years before I got here. It will probably be around 2,000 years after I'm gone.

Whenever leaders get too full of themselves, I find a way to work in that phrase. Unfortunately, I tell myself more than I tell others. Call it a practice in humility. But in all seriousness, it is important to keep perspective. If you don't keep perspective, when you fall down it hurts a whole lot worse because the pedestal was way higher than it ever should have been.

I'm going on vacation. I'm throwing off the label of 'pastor' and just being Joe for 2 whole weeks. If an emergency comes up, don't cause me panic. Instead, cause Bill to panic. 752-7838. Call him often if you so desire. He is under orders to call me only if the apocalypse is coming or some other distressful news that I know will absolutely not happen while I'm gone.

I'll be back October 10th. Don't mess things up while I'm gone (and don't make things that much better either).

God is Good,
Pastor Joe

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