Monday, March 10, 2014

Strutting Models and Loud Music

Hello Emmanuel,

Have you ever worked so hard that you forget to smell the roses?

While the new Lenten series is about life pooing on us, it is also the time of year that I have difficulty keeping up with the joys of church life.  As a result, I fail to announce such on Sundays.

This past Saturday, the United Methodist Women sponsored a ‘tea and fashion’ show with Christopher Banks and CJ Banks offering their clothing line to be modeled.  It was a wonderful success.  The UMW raised $900, all of it going for missions.  The ladies had a wonderful time and I hear the models was strutting their stuff down the catwalk.

Additionally, the youth went to Winter Jam at Bank One Arena.  James and Beth Pollitt continue to commit their time and energy giving youth the opportunity to experience faith in various ways.  Winter Jam was a series of Christian bands offering their unique (and sometimes loud) kinds of music to proclaim how good God is.  James and Beth couldn’t do it all.  Thanks to Ginifer and Chris Swofford; Russ Bowman; Pam Murphy, Tracy Jones and Andrew Shamblin to help with the chaperoning (I hope I didn’t miss anyone).

Finally, Emmanuel played a role in helping other churches in our District consider how they may be able to do Outreach ministry at their church.  Allison Boone, Muriel Cunningham and I were invited to be on a panel to be a part of the Ohio River Valley training day to share about how Emmanuel reaches out to the community.  Many other leaders at Emmanuel were able to attend other workshops to learn from other churches as well.  It’s good to not have to re-invent the wheel.

We may have also seen the birth of a new group ministry.  Scrapbooking/Craft day has now been scheduled for a 3rd time this winter (March 29th).  Emmanuel has been more intentional about fighting the winter blahs and it has been met with very good response.  The plan is to be even more intentional next winter by planning more family game nights, euchre nights, crafting days and any other ideas that may come our way.

While I go about my job to keep the church encouraged, inspired and motivated to do God stuff, it’s easy to forget to celebrate after the fact when God gets involved.  However, it is equally important and I ask all of Emmanuel to not be afraid to approach me when I get too caught up on the front end of helping ministry happen and don’t do enough on the back end of celebrating when things go great.

There will be much more to celebrate in the weeks ahead.  God has promised.  Easter is coming.

God is Good,

Pastor Joe

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