Monday, February 18, 2019

Graphic Design, Cynical Church Members And A Fun Ride

It's time for a new thing.  It's almost here.

Hello Church,

Graphic design is not in my wheelhouse.  However, as a pastor, one will find themselves doing all sorts of odd things that don't always align with given gifts and talents.  It's been 18 years, but I once again find myself tinkering with programs like Microsoft's 3d paint.  I am sure many of you have advice on which program would be easier.  I typically choose what is already on my computer... and free.

The launch of a new vision at Emmanuel is right ahead.  I am reinventing myself.  Emmanuel is reinventing itself.  The result?  A Vision that is informed by the church and organized by church leadership.  This time around, instead of me doing the visioning, the church is listening and speaking into it.  I like it.

In this blog over the next few weeks I will be explaining this new church in more detail.  I hope you will read up and explore your potential role.

So I am excited.  The first draft of the new Vision is being presented Monday, Feb. 18th.  I suspect there will be a shift in perspective in how we plan, implement and evaluate ministry.  I also suspect it will narrow our focus as a church.  A narrower focus will cause us to do less ministry that has more impact instead of more ministry that has less or no impact.  Stay tuned.

And if you are still on the sidelines wondering if all of this is real, know that there will be plenty of opportunity for you to jump in with both feet.  No matter how cynical you might be, you will always be welcomed at Emmanuel.  When you buy in, we will be ready for you.

However, with every reinvention of an organization, there is a catch.... there is always a catch.  You, the church, will have to participate.  It will be your obedience to the preferred future that will make this go or not.  Visions don't work on dry erase boards or on 3d paint.  Visions work because the minds and hearts and hands and feet of God's people go to work and do things and say things that bring about God's Kingdom.

This gives me relief.  What it means is that my 3d paint skills don't really matter at the end of the day.  What matters is the active faith that is in the heart of the church.  I trust you are ready to do what you say is important.  It will be a fun ride if you are.

God is Good,
Pastor Joe

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